The Great Resignation for Software Developers

Rick Blyth
9 min readJan 11, 2023

Have you thought about quitting your job as a software developer to find a place to fit it in the freelancing world? Maybe a work from home setup suits you well. In this article, I will tackle about why software developers often think about their great resignation.

Here are the topics I’ll be touching on in this article:

Article Contents

· Why Software Developers have priority boarding for this Flight to Freedom
· Why Are Software Developers Leading The Great Resignation?
· What are the benefits of working from home as a software developer?
· Are you thinking about quitting your software development job?
· Final Thoughts

Why Software Developers have priority boarding for this Flight to Freedom

If the global 2020–2021 Coronavirus pandemic taught the business world one thing, it’s that remote work and the flexibility it provides is loved by the majority of the workforce. Not only have more and more people found the joys of working from home, but many have hung up their 9–5 hats in search of sustaining this freeing lifestyle.

The rise in self-employed opportunities, combined with the desire for flexibility, has caused what is fast becoming known as “The Great Resignation”. Also known as the “Big Quit”, this movement aligns itself with the rising availability of self-employment opportunities, with alternative forms of income now providing sustainable and secure ways of quitting a 9–5…



Rick Blyth

I help software developers utilise their coding skills to create apps that bring them freedom through passive income. Find out more at